English Lessons | 英語レッスン

I teach English to Japanese students who are at a beginner or pre-intermediate level. I also provide English pronunciation training for learners who wish to improve their pronunciation, accent and rhythm.


Lesson List

Counselling for Learners of English | 英語学習カウンセリング

The first lesson for new students. Also, students can take this lesson as coaching, when they need some advice on how to learn and plan.


Relaxed English Chat | リラックス英会話

Let’s grab a tea or coffee, get relaxed, and enjoy talking about our life, work, family, friends, hobbies, etc. in English.


English Pronunciation Training | 英語発音トレーニング

We learn about the accent and the rhythm, then practise pronunciation from single sounds, short combinations to words and sentences with IPA.


English Input + Pronunciation | 英語表現インプット+発音

To acquire basic conversational skills, we try to understand English through listening and reading, then practise pronunciation and speaking. We also talk how to learn more effectively and efficiently.


English Output + Pronunciation | 英語表現アウトプット+発音

To improve conversational skills, we practise pronunciation, try to understand English more deeply, then talk about the topic in English. We also talk about the linguistic and cultural barriers.
