Japanese Lessons | 日本語レッスン

I teach Japanese mainly to intermediate and advanced level students. I also provide Japanese pronunciation training for learners who wish to improve or perfect their pronunciation and pitch-accent.


Lesson List

Counselling for Learners of Japanese | 日本語学習カウンセリング

The first lesson for new students. Also, students can take this lesson as coaching, when they need some advice on how to learn and plan.


Relaxed Japanese Chat | リラックス日本語会話

Let’s grab a tea or coffee, get relaxed, and enjoy talking about our life, work, family, friends, hobbies, etc. in Japanese.


[NEW] Japanese Pronunciation Training | 日本語発音トレーニング

We learn basics of mora and pitch-accent, then practise pronunciation of Kana, accent of words and sentences using Kana or Roma-ji with IPA.


Japanese Conversation Plus | 日本語会話Plus

We can just talk, or add activities including reading, picture description, spot the difference game, learning how to cook Japanese dishes, etc.


JLPT Grammar Preparation | 日本語能力試験 文法準備

We use ‘TRY!’ to check words and expressions, then read out loud and create sentences using the grammar. We can also use ‘Nihongo So-matome’ if you like.


Practical Business Japanese | 実用ビジネス日本語

Polite expressions suitable for office work or hospitality industry. Without a textbook, or we can use ‘Nippon no Kaisha’ or ‘Japanese for Business for the IT industry’.
